
ByChristian Friedl

Registration for “Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development” starts on 1 October 2017

The registration for the first MOOC in the BizMOOC project, “Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development” starts on 1 October 2017. This self-paced course opens its doors on 16 October 2017. More information can be found here.


ByChristian Friedl

Our first MOOC starts on 16th of October 16: First teaser video online

Join “Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development”! The free, online course from BizMOOC that you can take anytime. We explore your learning style, take a closer look at MOOCs and build your digital skills.

The course starts on October 16th, 2017. Registration will be open from October 1st. Information will be published on and Stay tuned!

ByAndrea Kalafusová

Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development

In collaboration with partners in Dida (Italy) and The National Unions of Students in Europe (Belgium), the Open University (UK) has produced “Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development”, a free course which will be open for participation in mid October.

Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs are everywhere, but what are they? Why would you take a MOOC? How do you sift through the thousands of courses on offer to find what you want? How do you determine their quality? How can you make the most of learning with MOOCs? These are some of the questions you are invited to explore in this free course. If you are unemployed and lack the self-confidence to connect to industry, or you are finding it difficult to cope with college, or you need a change of direction in your career but lack the skills to move on, “Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development” can help. You’ll have a chance to reflect on the way you learn, understand how to be a successful MOOC learner, and also find out about the skills you need to be effective in a digital world: from improving what you do online and the way you do it, to finding information, communicating and collaborating with other people.

The course lasts 4 weeks, with approximately 3 hours of study time each week. You can work through the course at your own pace, so if you have more time one week there is no problem with pushing on to complete another week’s study. You can also jump in and out of the different sections following your interests. On completion, you will receive a free Statement of Participation.

“Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development” has been built on The Open University’s OpenLearn Create platform, where individuals and organisations can publish their open content, open courses and resources. The course has been created in its majority reusing and adapting material already available under a Creative Commons license.

“Learning with MOOCs for Professional Development” will be launched on October 16th, 2017. Enrolment will open very soon. To keep updated, follow us on Twitter @bizmoocbook or come back to this blog.

ByAndrea Kalafusová

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

E-Skills Match provides a platform where ICT professionals interested in acquiring e-skills and digital competences can be connected to further information such as certifications, qualifications, assessment services and educational guidance services. Moreover these services will be supported by a variety of tools (Self-assessment Tool, e-Portfolio, Knowledge Mapping etc) that will allow the user to reach his/her full potential as an ICT professional.


ByAndrea Kalafusová

We are constantly building MOOC community

BizMOOC and their deliverables were presented at 7th University Business forum in Brussels, at the Global Learning Council SUMMIT in Berlin and also at Week of innovative Regions in Europe in Košice.

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ByAndrea Kalafusová

Learning Design Workshop. How to produce a MOOC?

The video “How to produce a MOOC” was recorded during the BizMOOC meeting at The Open University UK in Cardiff. It is one of the next project deliverables.

The slides are an adapted version from a presentation called “Beyond the Blend” by Lisette Toetenel (The Open University, UK) and Charles Jennings (The Internet Time Alliance & Duntroon) which was delivered on 11 May 2016 at the CIPD show in London, UK.

The workshop was led by Ruth McFarlane (Technology Enhanced Learning Designer, The Open University (UK))

ByAndrea Kalafusová

BizMOOC at EMOOC2017 conference

Christian Friedl, Darco Jansen and Thomas Staubitz attended the EMOOC2017 conference last week in Madrid, the largest European summit on MOOCs. BizMOOC and its MOOC BOOK was presented as a keynote to the session “MOOCs for companies”.

We received very positive and valuable feedback in encouraging discussions throughout the whole event.


ByAndrea Kalafusová

MOOCs, Graduate Skills Gaps, and Employability: A Qualitative Systematic Review of the Literature

David Santandreu Calonge, Mariam Aman Shah

The increasing costs of higher education (HE), growing numbers of flexible anytime, anywhere learners, and the prevalence of technology as a means to up-skill in a competitive job market, have brought to light a rising concern faced by graduate students and potential graduate employers. Specifically, there is a mismatch of useful skills obtained by students through HE institutions which is evident upon graduation. Faced with this dilemma, “graduate students,” or more specifically newly graduated students, with a with bachelor’s degree, and a growing number of employers are turning to Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, as a complimentary mechanism through which this skills gap may be bridged.

Full Text


ByAndrea Kalafusová

BizMOOC goes Peru

BizMOOC goes Peru – presentation of BizMOOC and the MOOC BOOK by Christian Friedl/FH JOANNEUM as a good practice example in 3-day-training-seminars about “internationalisation of research” in the course of the EU-funded project “INCHIPE”. The project is an “Programa para la Internacionalizacion en las Universidades de Chile y Peru”.

ByAndrea Kalafusová

BizMOOC at 7th University Business Forum

On 6-7 April will contribute to the 7th University Business Forum in Brussels. Organised by the European Commission, the seventh edition of the University Business Forum will bring together around 400 representatives from higher education institutions; large companies; SME’s, relevant European organisations and associations; as well as national, regional and local authorities from Europe and beyond.

The BizMOOC project will highlight our results so far including the MOOCBOOK recently launched.